It’s not enough to address the surface issues you can easily identify as you walk your path toward greater expansion and enlightenment. Often, these issues are only the symptoms that crop up because the deeper issues and causes are being ignored or denied. The core issues may reside in the Shadow Self, and as long as we fear this part of ourselves and resist shining the light on our dark side, the symptoms will continue to show themselves over and over again. Failed relationships, poor job choices, diets that fail time and time again, dreams that never materialize: these are all evidence that your Shadow Self is crying out for attention. “It is the shadow that holds the clues,” says the spiritual teacher and author Lazaris. “The shadow also holds the secret of change, change that can affect you on a cellular level, change that can affect your very DNA.”
Join me for an opportunity to embrace your darkness and bring it into the light! A guided meditation empowered by Reiki energy may give you a deeper and more thought-provoking experience than any meditation you’ve done before. As we follow the meditation with a shamanic-style healing session, we’ll give Spirit the opportunity to take your healing to an even deeper level. Your guides and angels may provide guidance and wisdom as Native American Spirits speak to your soul. Empowered by Reiki, the vibrations of drums and rattles may provide a whole body experience that rocks your world!
Keep a notebook or journal handy to record your insights. The synergy of the group will facilitate an even deeper individual experience. Join me and shine the light on your darkness!
Before you begin the session, you might want to prepare your space so it feels safe and comfortable. Make sure you will not be interrupted during the session so you can have the deepest, most personal experience possible. Have a blanket and some water and perhaps a few tissues nearby.
To Purchase This Recording: Please sit quietly, focus on your heart, and ask Spirit/God/The Universe what you should offer for what you will receive during the session. Once you receive your answer, please fill in your offering amount below, click on Add to Cart and continue through the purchase process. Once your purchase is complete, you will receive an email confirmation with the recording of the teleconference. Your purchase confirmation will have the file to download. Please look for it. (Files may not download on some cell phones.) Please save your recording to your own computer to have it for future use.
Recorded live on April 25, 2019
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