“Your Teenage Years: What healing do you need?”


The teen years can be a challenging time for any teenager. These important years are when we begin to assert our individuality and independence as we work to find our way from childhood to adulthood. Here are just a few of the monumental tasks that face every teen as they progress through adolescence:

* Develop a personal sense of identity.

* Adjust to a new physical sense of self.

* Establish emotional and psychological independence from his or her parents.

* Learn to manage her or his sexuality.

* Adopt a personal value system.

* Establish adult vocational goals.

* Develop stable and productive peer relationships. 

Traveling this path with a solid and supportive family makes the journey much more doable, although still challenging. If you didn’t have that strong, loving, and supportive environment, the path was even more difficult to maneuver. If abuse, homelessness, drugs/alcohol, mental health issues, etc. also played a part, then the path could have been down right treacherous.

When you look back at your teen years, what beliefs, behaviors, messages, old wounds and lost dreams are you holding on to from that period in your life that are making it difficult for you to live as your authentic self, fully present in the moment and living your best life?

If you’re ready to heal the issues you’ve carried forward on a deeper level, a level that perhaps only the Divine can access, join me for this profound journey of healing and transformation. A brief guided meditation will help you surrender to the healing power of Spirit. The energy session that follows will help to anchor that healing into the deepest level of your being, so it has the opportunity to continue to work for you long after the session itself is over. The vibrations of drums and rattles will enhance the powerful Reiki energies, while messages from Spirit provide wisdom and guidance for your continued journey. Join me and allow the Divine, and the synergy of the group, to provide a powerful and empowering experience for all levels of your healing.

Keep a notebook or journal nearby to record your insights. Come prepared to let Spirit work in the way Spirit knows best.

Before you begin the session, you might want to prepare your space so it feels safe and comfortable. Turn off your cell phone and make sure you will not be interrupted during the session so you can have the deepest, most personal experience possible. Have a blanket and some water and perhaps a few tissues nearby.

To Purchase This Recording: Please sit quietly, focus on your heart, and ask Spirit/God/The Universe what you should offer for what you will receive during the session. Once you receive your answer, please fill in your offering amount below, click on Add to Cart and continue through the purchase process. Once your purchase is complete, you will receive an email confirmation that your purchase was received. Within 24-48 hours you will receive an additional email with the recording attached. (Files may not download on some cell phones.) Please save your recording to your own computer to have it for future use.

Important: Enter your email address correctly to insure you receive confirmation of your purchase. If you do not receive it within 30 minutes of completing your purchase, please email me at Bonnie@bonniehassan.com




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