January 25 thru March 29: Zoom Event – “Living as Your True Self: A Journey through Awareness and Action to Authenticity” 6:30-9:30 PM CT/7:30-10:30 PM ET


“I am my true self. I live my life with authenticity.”

Powerful statements! But what do they really mean? Are you living your life in a way that reflects those statements?

For me, living as my true self means that I am working to integrate my spiritual self and my human self to a greater degree every day as I walk an intentional spiritual path. I am working to be authentic in all my thoughts, words and actions by coming from a place of love, not only for others, but for myself as well. Rather than reacting to the world around me based on old ways of being that were a response to past messages, beliefs, and experiences generated from fear, hurt and anger, I am working to respond in a thoughtful caring way that is centered in love.

Being my true self, living authentically, is something I work on each and every day. There wasn’t a magical switch that was flipped the first day I learned Reiki (when I see my intentional spiritual path beginning) that allowed me to move from a fear-based existence to a love-centered life as soon as it was flipped. It’s taken me years to become aware of the thoughts, words and deeds that came from fear, and take the actions necessary to replace them with authentic, love-centered responses. I still have a lot to learn, but I have come a long way. And I’m sure that I’ll be working on all of this until it’s my time to leave this life. After all, that’s what we’re all here to do: to learn to live authentically, integrating our spiritual selves with our human selves to a greater degree with each choice we make.

If you are still responding to life’s events from a fear-based past rather than living life in the present from a place of love, join me for this 10-week journey designed to increase your awareness of your fear-based reactions and replace them with love-centered actions and responses so you are living more authentically as your true self each day.

Here are a few examples of fear-based behaviors and reactions to help you target additional/similar issues in your own life that are keeping you from living as your true self:

* You always put others ahead of yourself, even when doing so is a detriment to your own well-being.
* You offer advice even when you are not asked.
* You tell ‘little white lies’ to avoid the consequences of being honest.
* You fail to apologize when you recognize you are at fault.
* Your personal choices show a dis-respect for self.
* Your negative self-talk is too frequent a visitor.
* Your deny or squash your feelings.
* You don’t speak your truth because it will make others uncomfortable.
* When someone asks something of you, you find yourself saying yes, even when you really want to say no.

Your personal input will be used to generate a group experience that will provide you with new ideas, tools and techniques to live your life more in keeping with the spiritual being that you are. Each week we’ll discuss a different reaction, belief, or behavior (from the information each participant has provided) that is based on fear, and we’ll discuss alternatives that are centered in love. We’ll co-create a healing session together where you’ll set your intention to release the old and embrace the new. During the week that follows, you’ll practice what you learned in class. When we come back to class, you’ll have an opportunity to share your experiences and gain feedback to help you move forward. Once the sharing is complete, we’ll move to a new topic for the next week’s focus.

Change is a process that begins with awareness and is empowered by action. As you combine the two, you bring your true self to life and live more authentically. Join us and bring your true self to life in a more authentic way!

The journey includes:

– 10 weekly group sessions which include information, discussion and a group healing session
– (1) 1-hour individual session during the 10 weeks
– 10 mid-week distance sessions: one each week on Friday or Saturday evening at a specified time when you can simply receive a distance Reiki session in the comfort and privacy of your own space without being on Zoom.

Due to the nature of this journey, and to insure that everyone has time to share, class size is limited to 12.

(Please note: This is NOT group therapy! We won’t be delving into your past. You’ll be taking an honest look at how you show up in the world now and what changes you want to make to live more authentically as your true self. If you’re currently seeing a therapist to help you heal and to assist you in making better life choices, this journey could be a great accompaniment to your therapy. If you need help deciding if this is right for you, please get in touch. I’m happy to help!)

All sessions will be recorded. If you miss a session, you’ll receive the recording the next day so you can keep on track with the process.

Here are the details:

Dates:    Begins Tuesday, January 25
              Ends Tuesday, March 29.
(Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29)

Time:     6:30-9:30 PM CT/7:30-10:30 PM ET (End time is approximate and will depend on the amount of class discussion each week.)

Investment in your true self:    $307.99

Your registration and $25 deposit is due no later than Saturday, January 8. Once the registration deadline has been reached, you will be asked to pay the balance via check, Venmo or Paypal. Using Paypal/Paypal credit offers you several ways to pay over time.

The journey is limited to 12 participants. If you’d like some help letting go of old behaviors that no longer serve you and are keeping you from being your authentic self, grab one of the last available spaces now! If the class fills up before you register, I’ll be happy to add your name to a waiting list.

Refund policy: Through January 10, you will receive any monies you have paid minus a 5% processing fee. After January 10, you will receive a 50% refund. No refunds are available once the journey begins.



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